…CCCa weekend update – Dougie, Emma, Mike..

Dougie Lampkin wins the Scott for the 4th time with a broken toe (4 wins not 4 broken toes) ….Emma Bristow finishes in 31st, only 5 places away from a silver spoon – very sought after.   ….Mike Feiner takes the Expert win in the last CMA trial of the season at the ECTA Lion’s Head event. Tentative results below, to be confirmed once rider cards sorted. Fair weather friends missed a great event with sunshine, hail, and only a few drops of rain ..during the trial. The deluge was saved for setup the day before, and the drive home, so kudos to the ECTA club members for setup and checking, and event hosts Clive and Elaine for their hospitality.

ECTA Lion's head 10-20-2013jpeg

FIM European Trial Championship 2013


emmabristow3Emma Bristow wins first place in the first round of the Women’s UEM Championship.

Sherco’s Emma Bristow is the winner in the Women’s championship in this very wet round held at Tanvald, Czech Republic this weekend. More than 60 brave young riders and women coming from 14 different countries spent about 4 hours in the rain to fight on the very slippery rocks that the wonderful well known Tanvald’s forest offered.

emmabristow1Emma Bristow finishes 10th place in the first round of the UEM men’s championship.

These photos are courtesy of BikeRacing.cz.

For the full results and more information visit TrialMag.net

Here are the results of the Women’s Championship round UEMladies1st2013

